Happy Landing in London
I am sitting in the office of Courage UK with Jeremy Marks plowing through the score of e-mails he has to answer after being out of the office for the day. Many not the same sort of deluge that Exodus gets daily (see Fuzzy Ex-Gay Math), but it keeps Jeremy busy.He just read me a wonderfully hilarious article from NewsBiscuit, a UK version of The Onion
Homosexual turns straight after 'good talking to' from father
A young man has publicly announced his intention to become heterosexual despite having been openly gay for several years. Adam Denver said the decision came after a ‘serious bit of lecturing’ from his father. ‘He just sat me down and gave it to me straight. No-one likes a poof, Son,’ recounted Adam; ‘Once he put it like that, I suddenly saw the lightRead the rest for yourself; it's loads of fun.
My flight to London last night went smoothly. I flew Virgin Atlantic. Always wanted to do so, but alas I was not impressed. The vegan meal was insipid. The service was so-so. I have to say their entertainment system outshines anything I have ever seen. Tons of movies, TV programs and muisc to choose from, all self directed with the ability to pause, fast forward and rewind. As it was only a 5.5 hour flight and I had to sleep, I did not partake in the wonders of it.
Today I hang out with Jeremy and then over to Waterloo Station to meet up with Michael, my host. Tomorrow I meet up with a friend from Scotland, then I head over to the offices of Greenbelt to talk about this summer's festival, then hopefully I grab a coffee with James Alison, if we can get our schedules to match up.
Glad for a safe trip and praying for a productive visit, Peterson! Oh, and fun, too!
good luck on the scheduling thing. I'm in London at the moment (Wess-side) and getting people together is nuts!
Unfortunately, I'm fling home Fri so won't be able to make your "do" this weekend but have told friends who *will* be there to be sure and say hi to ya.
good luck!
Oh, and the secret to an enjoyable experience on V-A is "upper class"
Great when you can get it ...
Nice to have you in a timezone close by.
Do you know that you were mentioned on national TV here in Sweden tonight? I didn't see it (since I don't have a TV) but a friend told me.
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